I started out in this business as a birth photographer. Capturing the moments that a new soul enters this world and the moments that a family grows is absolutely amazing. But I was missing something.
In each of my births, I saw opportunity to be even more present for the families. There were moments the birthing parent needed some extra hands helping her through a contraction, and other moments where the birthing partner was forgetting to take care of themself. I found during these moments that birth was exactly where I wanted to be. I found that I wanted to train to provide even more support.

Being a doulatog allows me the ability to do both. I can be hired as one or the other, but when hired as both I find my passion of guiding through this journey to parenthood – starting as prenatal support,then being able to not only capture moments still forever, allowing the partners to go back and see the first moments that they were so busy enjoying, they may have missed the little things…and then being able to continually support after little one goes home.
Photography isn’t my passion. Doula isn’t my passion. The birth process and everything that it means from start to finish is 100% my passion. Every single birth is special. Every single birth will see me with tears in my eyes as I experience the intimate moments I’ve been invited into. Every single birth holds a special place in my heart forever.
Whether you’re birthing at Puget Sound Birth Center, at Valley Medical Center, or at home in Renton, Seattle, Tacoma, Enumclaw, Bellevue or any of the surrounding hospitals or birth centers, I will happily be supportive of the birth that you want and be a part of your team. Swedish, UW, St Joes, St Francis, the lists go on. I would love to be there for you as a support.